8 (OK) atendi to wait a~u or a~uto car a~utomato automaton balda~u soon buso bus cxambro room cxar because cxiaokaze in any case destino destiny ecx even ekster outside (preposition) ekstere outside (adverb, situation) eksteren outside (adverb, direction) el out of, from helpi to help korpo body kruro leg longa long mem self memserva restoracio cafeteria nokto night pasxi to step, to walk pasxo step per by means of, with rugxa red sekvi to follow senti to feel servi to serve si himself, herself, oneself, themselves suspekti to suspect tien there, to(wards) that place tomato tomato tra through urbo town, city vespero evening -ejo place (often collective) dormi, "to sleep" > dormejo, "dormitory" ("bedroom" is dormocxambro) lerni, "to learn" > lernejo, "school" li a~utas en la urbo, "he drives in town" li a~utas en la urbon, "he drives into the town" li a~utas tie, "he drives there, in there" li a~utas tien, "he drives there, thither" sxi mem diris gxin, "she said it herself" sxi diris gxin al si, "she said it to herself" ili komprenos tion mem, "they'll understand that by themselves" ili komprenos sin, "they'll understand themselves" ili komprenos unu la alian, "they'll understand one another" ili komprenos ilin, "they'll understand them" li amis sxin, "he loved her" li amis lin, "he loved him" li amis sin, "he loved himself" li amis sxian flegistinon, "he loved her nurse" li amis lian flegistinon, "he loved his (i.e. his friend's) nurse" li amis sian flegistinon, "he loved his (own) nurse" "I'll go there by car": mi tien iros a~ute (I'll go there 'car-wise') mi tien iros per a~uto (I'll go there by means of a car) mi tien iros en a~uto (I'll go there in a car) mi tien a~utos (I'll 'car' there)
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