
	   3 .   E S P E R A N T O   C O R R E L A T I V E S


        |             |             |             |              |           |

        |     I-      |     KI-     |    TI-      |    CXI-      |   NENI-   |

        |   (some)    |    (what)   |   (that)    |   (every)    |   (no)    |

        |             |             |             |              |           |


  -A    |     IA      |     KIA     |    TIA      |    CXIA      |   NENIA   |

quality |Some kind of,|What kind of,|That kind of,|Every kind of,|No kind of |

        | any kind of |  what (a)   |   such a    | all kinds of |           |


 -AL    |     IAL     |     KIAL    |    TIAL     |    CXIAL     |   NENIAL  |

reason  |  For some   |Why, for what| So, for that|  For every   |   For no  |

        |   reason    |    reason   |     reason  |     reason   |   reason  |


 -AM    |     IAM     |     KIAM    |    TIAM     |    CXIAM     |   NENIAM  |

 time   | Sometime,   |When, at what|Then, at that|Always, at all|Never,at no|

        |anytime, ever|       time  |       time  |        times |  time, not|


  -E    |     IE      |     KIE     |    TIE      |    CXIE      |   NENIE   |

 place  |Somewhere,   |Where,in what|There,in that|Everywhere, in|  Nowhere, |

        |anywhere, in |      place  |       place |  every place |in no place|

        | some place  |             |             |              |           |


 -EN    |    IEN      |    KIEN     |    TIEN     |    CXIEN     |   NENIEN  |

direc-  | Anywhere,   | Where to,   | There, to   | Everywhere,  | Nowhere,  |

tion    | to any place|to what place| that place  |to every place|to no place|


 -EL    |    IEL      |    KIEL     |    TIEL     |    CXIEL     |   NENIEL  |

manner  |Somehow,  in |How, in what |That way,thus| In every way | In no way |

        |  some way   |      way    |like that, so|              |           |


 -ES    |    IES      |    KIES     |    TIES     |    CXIES     |   NENIES  |

property| Someone's,  |  Whose,     |  That one's | Everyone's,  | No one's, |

        |   anyone's  | which one's |             |   everybody's|  nobody's |


  -O    |    IO       |    KIO      |    TIO      |    CXIO      |   NENIO   |

 thing  | Something,  |  What,      |   That,     | Everything,  |  Nothing  |

        |   anything  | what thing  | that thing  |    all things|           |


 -OM    |    IOM      |    KIOM     |    TIOM     |    CXIOM     |   NENIOM  |

quantity|    Some,    | How much,   |  So much,   | The whole    |Not a bit, |

        |some quantity|  how many,  |   as many,  |  quantity,   |  none,    |

        |  somewhat   |what quantity|that quantity|  all of it   |no quantity|


 -U     |    IU       |    KIU      |    TIU      |    CXIU      |   NENIU   |

person  | Someone,    |    Who,     | That person,|  Everyone,   |   No one, |

  or    |  somebody   | what person |   that one  |    everybody |    nobody |


 object | Some, any...|Which,what...| That ...    |Every,all,each| None,no...|


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