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1 (UNU) al to; towards alta high; tall angulo corner, angle bela beautiful; handsome blonda fair, blond(e) demandas ask(s) demando question diras say(s), tell(s) ebla possible eble maybe, perhaps, possibly en in estas am, is, are fakte as a matter of fact fakto fact granda big, large, great ho oh! iras go, goes jen here is, here are, behold jes yes juna young kaj and kara dear kio what kiu who knabino girl knabo boy kun with la the laboras work(s) li he, him mi I, me mondo world multaj many multe much ne no, not nenio nothing nova new nu well (as in: well, as far as I'm concerned...) nun now nur only okazas happens plej most restoracio restaurant rigardas look(s) (at) saluton hullo!, hi! sed but serioza serious, earnest scias know(s) sidas sit(s) sincera sincere sola alone; (the) only (...) speciala special spegulo mirror studento student tiu that one, that tro too, too much, too many tuta whole, entire tute quite universitato university venas come(s) vera true, real vere really versxajna probable, likely versxajne probably vi you virino woman viro man, male -o noun vera, "true" > la vero, "the truth" ebla, "possible" > eblo, "possibility" li demandas, "he asks" > demando, "a question" mi scias, "I know" > scio, "knowledge" -a adjective viro, "man" > vira "masculine" angulo, "angle" > angula, "angular" -e adverb bela, "beautiful" > bele, "beautifully" knabina, "girlish" > knabine, "in a girlish way", "girlishly" vi demandas, "you ask" > demande, "questioningly" -as verb, present tense serioza, "serious" > mi seriozas, "I'm being serious", "I'm speaking seriously" kunsido (kun + sido), "a session", literally: "a sitting- with", "a sitting together" > vi kunsidas, "you hold a session", "you have a meeting" -u verb, imperative iru!, "go!" venu!, "come!" vi sidas, "you're sitting" > sidu! "be seated" mal- opposite alta, "high" > malalta, "low" vero, "truth" > malvero, "falsehood" -in- female knabo, "boy" > knabino, "girl" Kiu estas Gerda?, "Who is Gerda?" Kiu scias?, "Who knows?" Kiu knabo laboras?, "Which boy is working?" Al kiu knabino li iras?, "Which girl does he go to?" En kiu universitato sxi laboras?, "In which university does she work?" la viro, kiu rigardas, "the man who is looking" la universitato, en kiu mi laboras, "the univerity in which I work" la knabo, al kiu vi rigardas, "the boy (which) you are looking at"