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5 (KVIN) absurda absurd ankora~u still ankora~u ne not yet atenti pay attention atento attention cetere besides cxi (denotes nearness) cxi tie here cxi tio this (thing) cxi tiu this; this one da of (after expression of quantity) dramo drama drogo drug evidenta obvious eta small for away havi to have imagi to imagine imago imagination iu some; somebody kasxe stealthily kasxi to hide, to conceal normala normal ofta frequent ofte often paro couple, pair peco piece, bit plena full plene fully, completely posxo pocket promeni to go for a walk pulvoro powder sekundo second (of time) subita sudden subite suddenly substanco substance sukcesi to succeed sukero sugar super over; above sxajni to seem tiam then tie there tie cxi here tiel so, that way, thus tio cxi this tiu cxi this (before a noun) tio cxi = cxi tio tiu cxi = cxi tiu tie cxi = cxi tie tiu cxi viro estas juna, "this man is young" tio cxi estas nekomprenebla, "this is incomprehensible" -us verb, conditional se mi konus lin, mi irus, "if I knew him, I'd go" mi dezirus demandi vin, "I'd like to ask you" -n direct object of a verb mi konas tiun junan viron, "I know that young man" tiun junan viron mi konas, "I know that young man" tiun junan viron konas mi, "I know that young man" tiu juna viro konas min, "that young man knows me" tiu juna viro min konas, "that young man knows me" min konas tiu juna viro, "that young man knows me" kiu vidis lin?, "who saw him?" kiun vidis li?, "whom did he see?" la viro, kiun rigardis la knabino, "the man the girl was looking at" la viro, kiu rigardis la knabinon, "the man who was looking at the girl" ek- commencement, suddenness iri, "to go" > ekiri, "to set off" sidi, "to sit" > eksidi, "to sit down" -et- diminutive virino, "woman" > virineto, "little woman" bela, "beautiful" > beleta, "pretty" mi komprenas, "I understand" > mi komprenetas, "I understand more or less", "I think I understand" for- away iri, "to go" > foriri, "to go away" esti, "to be" > foresti, "to be absent" > foresto, "absence" -ujo container sukero, "sugar" > sukerujo, "sugar basin"