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6 (SES) amba~u both a~udi to hear bruo noise decidi to decide decido decision devas must devi to have to, to be obliged to devo duty diskuti to discuss diskuto discussion fali to fall falo (the, a) fall (not season) kafo coffee koridoro hallway, hall, corridor meti to put observi to observe pensi to think perdi to lose resti to stay, to remain riski to risk sama same tempo time timi to fear, to be afraid trankvila calm, tranquil cxu li iras? "is he going?" cxu li iru? "should he go?" cxu li irus? "would he go?" kion mi diras? "what am I saying?" kion mi diru? "what should I say?" la taso falis sur la tablo, "the cup, which was already on the table, fell (staying on the table)" la taso falis sur la tablon, "the cup fell onto the table" li promenis en la gxardeno, "he was walking in the garden" li promenis en la gxardenon, "he walked into the garden"