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16 (DEK SES) acxa wretched, no good, loathsome atmosfero atmosphere bonkora good-hearted bruna brown biero beer finfine eventually (litt. at the end of the end) flugi to fly fojo time, occasion (tri fojojn, three times; unufoje, once) furioza furious gratuli to congratulate grupo group hundo dog je indefinite preposition jxus just, a moment ago kato cat kelnero waiter kia what a ...; what kind of koko rooster koloro color krom apart from; except for kuko cake kune together kvin five mangxi to eat menuo menu mil thousand milito war militservo military service muziko music na~u nine noti to note numero number (of house, of ticket, in a series, etc.) ok eight plafono ceiling plato slab, plate pse~udo- pseudo- reala real, actual rompi to break salato salad soldato soldier supo soup telero plate tri three turka Turkish vesti to dress, to clothe -acx- disparagement domo, "house" > domacxo, "hovel" hundo, "dog" > hundacxo, "cur" ridi, "to laugh" > ridacxi, "to sneer" -ido young of animal koko, "rooster" > kokido, "chicken" > kokidajxo, "chicken meat" (kokino, "hen") porko, "pig" > porkido, "piglet" > porkajxo, "pork" (porkino, "sow", virporko, "boar") bovo, "ox" > bovido, "calf" > bovidajxo, "veal" (bovajxo, "beef"; bovino, "cow"; virbovo, "bull") cxevalo, "horse" > cxevalido, "colt" (cxevalino, "mare"; vircxevalo, "stallion") mil na~ucent na~udek du, "1992" dek du mil, "12,000" kvincent kvindek kvin, "555" kiu (identity) / kia (quality): Kiu li estas? - Jozefo. "Who is he?" - "Joseph." Kia li estas? - Bonkora. "What kind of a man is he?" - "Kind" Kio li estas? - Raportisto. "What is he?" - "A reporter." Kiun libron vi legas? - Gerda malaperis. "Which book are you reading?" - "Gerda malaperis." Kian libron vi legas? - Lernolibron. "What kind of book are you reading?" - "A textbook." Note that "okazo" has three meanings: (1) event; (2) case; (3) opportunity