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24 (DUDEK KVAR) apliki to apply (something on or to something) biblioteko library cxesi to cease, to quit defendi to defend fundo bottom gxenerala general gxisfunde thoroughly (litt.: up to the bottom) hazarde by chance hazardo chance hospitalo hospital influo influence injekti to inject institucio institution justa just, fair kirurgio surgery (science, practice) koncerna concerned konsisti to consist konstati to realize; to note; to ascertain; to observe (that...) materio matter (material, substance) metodo method monato month muzeo museum narkoanalizo narco-analysis operacio operation pagxo page praktiko practice privata private proksimume approximately renkonti to meet (somebody) renkontigxi to meet, to get together respekti to respect sankta holy solena solemn spirito spirit studi to study Vatikano Vatican